Monday, February 9, 2009

My Little Mafioso

Soooooooo...Huddy has decided to extend his terrible twos into his threes. One minute he'll be singing "I Love to see the Temple" in a perfect little angelic voice, and the next be doing a jump spin into your back. Or leg. Or head. When you tell him to stop, he'll tell you he'll pour water in your eye. And then comes my favorite. He'll finish every threat with "You want that to happen?" Paging Don Corleone.

As if his cup wasn't currently overflowing with enchanting qualities, he has become very fond of the word "stupid," as well as the phrase "shut up" (which he learned during primary at church, ironically enough.) Thanks to the wisdom of the Meanest Mom, I have found a solution that looks promising. To give credit where credit is due, here is her original post:

I have introduced Hudson to Taco Charlie's All You Can Eat Pepper Bar. He gets a warning, then he has to go eat a jalapeno pepper slice (from a jar, you wimps...stop calling social services!) Saturday was the first day of enforcement. True to form, stupids and shut ups were flying. I gave my warning and within minutes he found himself in the kitchen, anxiously awaiting (or screaming bloody murder while looking at) his first slice of jalapeno. He took the fork, touched the pepper to his tongue and let out another shriek. "Mom, I will not say stupid again. Ever!" He sobs. So I didn't make him eat the tiny tiny slice of pepper, but I encouraged him to remember what it tasted like the next time he felt like letting choice words fly. So far, I've given him warnings, but I've never had to take him back to Taco Charlie's. I am cautiously optimistic at this point.
However, he has added, "You're gonna say bad words and have to eat a pepper....You want that to happen?" to his repetoire. At least he does so with a smile on his face!

1 comment:

Steve and Amanda said...

TOO funny! My Mom always did Tobasco sauce..I think a whole spoonful of it! Luckily I had older siblings that paved the way so I knew what NOT to do so I would NEVER have to taste the hot sauce!!!