Sunday, September 7, 2008

Nielson's Birthday

Nielson turned one on Friday. Wow-this year has gone by fast! He came into this world pretty small (by Carpenter/McMinn standards, anyway) and now he is the biggest one year old I've ever seen! I think he knew he needed to bulk up to defend himself from Hudson's love taps, pats, and/or body slams. He is walking and talking (in Nielsonese) like a champ.

While Nielson was taking a nap in the morning, Hudson was helping make the cupcakes. By helping I mean that he would come in every few minutes and ask for one to eat. Finally I gave him an unfrosted one and asked him to go outside to eat it. He came back in a few minutes later, held up the half-eaten cupcake and told me to:

"Put a wid on it ."


"Put a wid on it!"

A plate?

"No! A WID!"

This went on for a few minutes before he finally pointed to the frosting.

"That wid!"

We had a little cake and ice cream party with our friends, Miralcle and Laura, the Esplin family and the Graulich Family. Grandmom, Pop Pop, Aunt Stephie, and "Uncle" Irv were also there.

Fancy one year old cupcakes and sunflowers from our garden Sunflower House. I'm glad I cut these because Tropical Storm Hanna blew through the next day and levelled the plants.

My sweet birthday boy!

Beautiful Ellie (even with a chocolate mustache!)

Nielson got some great presents, including a giant green tractor that he hasn't been able to see since it was opened. Hudson has adopted it as his own and turns into the devil if anyone gets near it. Oh boy.

1 comment:

Bev Robison said...

Hey, Karen! your kids are adorable! I can't believe how much your daughter looks like you! And i just noticed that her name is Ellie...the same as Heather's oldest daughter. Hmmm. Small world.