Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Utah Trip-Friends and Snowbird

One of the first things Doug wanted to do with the kids when we got to Utah was go ride the Tram at Snowbird. We had to drag Hudson onto the tram, but once it got going, he loved it! Doug and the kids hiked down to a patch of snow and made snowballs. It was beautiful up there. I miss the mountains!

The weekend after we got to Utah, we invited some friends over to my folks' house. (Mom and Dad were up at Deer Valley for dad's debut with the Utah Symphony- he got to fire the cannon during the 1812 Overture.) We had a great time, and it was great catching up with old friends. Much to my horror, I realized after everyone left that we didn't get pictures of half of them. Here's what I did manage to get:

Darling Lily lost the fight with the brownie

Matt and Cherstyn Stockwell, Doug and I, Liz and Andrew Florence

My cousin, Becky with the eternally cute hair and me channelling a Flock of Seagulls 'do.

Eli hamming it up with his dad, Oliver. (Note Hudson in the background, using a wagon as a battering ram. Typical.)

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