Monday, August 18, 2008

Out of the Mouths of (Not -So Much) Babes

OK- for awhile, I tried to make every title in my blog a song title. Thought I was so clever. Trouble is, it's harder than it sounds. Lotta pressure there. So I'm done. I'm giving myself permission to let the Song Title Theme go. It might rear it's head from time to time for those of you who are paying attention, but don't get your hopes up.

Hudson has been giving me a run for my money the last few days. At two and a half, he's learned to speak in full, thoughtful sentences instead of throwing words together that kind of make sense. My wake up call yesterday morning was him standing next to my bed saying, "Look Mom, poop!" Sure enough, he had taken off his FULL pull up and was holding it triumphantly over his head and precipitously close to my head AND bedding. I have never gotten up so quickly on a Sunday morning. All I know is that my boy has mad skills. He managed to get that pull up off in one piece and not spill anything out of it (so far as I can tell...and I looked a lot) Sorry- pretty nasty picture that conjures up, but still- I was impressed.

This morning, I was on the couch recovering from the remnants of Nielson's hand-me-down ear infection turned cold thank you very much when I asked Hudson if he wanted a waffle. He says, "Yes, I want a cold waffle. No, I want a hot waffle. No, no! I want a WARM waffle. A warm waffle, Mommy." Dang- I think I liked it better when I could just give him a frozen one to gnaw on and he had no words to tell me different. Of course I'm not serious. It has been amazing to see his little personality come through his words as well as his actions and huge smiles. He loves life and his "All About John Deere" dvds. We went to Lowe's tonight and he exclaims, "John Deeres...everywhere! I love it!"
When we got home, he proceeded to let himself out the side gate of our backyard (usually locked and very off limits!), get locked out, and panic for ten minutes until I realized what happened and found him pacing next to my car, tears streaming down his dirt-caked face. Thank heavens for mommy intuition, otherwise he might be halfway to a tractor dealership in Wisconsin by now.

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